ESP8266 IOT Kit
ESP8266 wifi module will be the highly recommended for Internet Of Things (IoT). The ESP8266 series, or family, of Wi-Fi chips is produced by Espressif Systems, a fabless semiconductor company.
Board comes with preloaded bootloader hence you don’t need any external programmers . It has numerous on-board peripherals to interface them with the main controller. All the peripherals connections are broken out. A unique feature of the kit is that, oneMicro base board supports various 8 bit, 16 bit and 32 bit microcontroller breakout boards.
Wi-Fi Protocols
- 802.11 b/g/n/e/i support.
- Wi-Fi Direct (P2P) support.
- P2P Discovery, P2P GO (Group Owner) mode, GC(Group Client) mode and P2P Power Management.
- Infrastructure BSS Station mode / P2P mode / SoftAP mode support.
- Hardware accelerators for CCMP (CBC-MAC, counter mode), TKIP (MIC, RC4), WAPI
- (SMS4), WEP (RC4), CRC.
- WPA/WPA2 PSK, and WPS driver.
- Additional 802.11i security features such as pre-authentication, and TSN.
- Open Interface for various upper layer authentication schemes over EAP such as TLS, PEAP, LEAP, SIM, AKA, or customer specific.
- 802.11n support (2.4 GHz).
- Supports MIMO 1×1 and 2×1, STBC, A-MPDU and A-MSDU frame aggregation and 0.4μs guard interval.
- WMM power low U-APSD.
- Multiple queue management to fully utilize traffic prioritization defined by 802.11e standard.
- UMA compliant and certified.
- 802.1h/RFC1042 frame encapsulation.
- Scattered DMA for optimal CPU off load on Zero Copy data transfer operations.
- Antenna diversity and selection (software managed hardware).
- Clock/power gating combined with 802.11-compliant power management dynamically adapted to current connection condition providing minimal power consumption.
- Adaptive rate fallback algorithm sets the optimum transmission rate and Tx power based on actual SNR and packet loss information.
- Automatic retransmission and response on MAC to avoid packet discarding on slow host environment.
The board includes following on-board peripherals.
CP2102 based USB to Serial bridge.
SSD1306 based 128X64 OLED.
4 Common anode Seven Segment displays
5V Relay
8 Pin DIP Switch
Rotary Encoder
MicroSD Slot
8 flashing LED’s
LM35 based Temperature Sensor
Light Sensor (LDR)
4X4 Keypad
DS1307 based Real Time Clock
AT24C16 based EEPROM
L293D based Dual Motor Driver
Magnetic Buzzer
The board also has few more features for the add on boards on it. Those are listed below.
Onboard programming circuit for ESP8266-01 Wifi module.
Bluetooth breakout for HC-05 module.
Breakout for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor.
Breakout for triple Axis accelerometer(ADXL335).
Breakout for 16X2 LCD Display.
Breakout for 128X64 Graphic LCD.
Power rails for 9V, 5V and 3.3V.
Board Dimension :
180mm X 135mm X 30mm ( L X W X H)
Downloads :
Design Files
- Datasheet, AT-Commands, Schematic and other resources on Nurdspace wiki
- Setting up Arduino IDE for ESP on GitHub